By becoming a member of the Society, you will help support the Society’s work in encouraging research into the Court’s history, promoting increased popular and scholarly knowledge of history of Missouri’s judicial system, preserving the Supreme Court building, and displaying artifacts of permanent value.

Benefits of membership include invitations to Society events, such as the Society’s annual dinner at the Supreme Court of Missouri that typically features a reception and a speaker on court-related history and other periodic events.

Annual memberships are provided at different levels depending on the level of contribution, with complimentary membership for law students and judicial clerks.

Below you can select the level at which you wish to join.

Student/Clerk: (no charge)
Individual: $25
Associate: $50
Contributing: $100
Sustaining: $250
Corporate: $500

Lifetime memberships are available at the following levels:

Sponsor: $5,000
Benefactor: $10,000

Please fill out the information below to submit your application. If you prefer to send a check for your dues, please mail your check payable to the Supreme Court of Missouri Historical Society to:

Supreme Court of Missouri Historical Society
P.O. Box 904
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102

Membership Type(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.